Assassins Creed Revelataions: A search for the Answers

AC Revelations is the game which brings the conclusion to the trilogy of Ezio Auditore, who is on an important journey for knowledge and answers left behind by his legendary ancestor Altair-ibn-Lahad. Ezio sets out from Rome only to find himself in race against time and Templars, who are also seeking the knowledge and power…

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood: Unite Them All

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood is the game which truly stands to its self explaining title. In AC2 we experienced a story of an Italian boy and his journey of becoming a fully fledged assassin. In ACB we experience Ezio’s liberation of Rome from Borgia and becoming a great leader of the assassin order on that path….

Assassin’s creed 1 Review: From where it all began!

After the release of Assassins Creed Syndicate, the latest game of Assassins Creed franchise I know there will be very few, who will read about the Assassins Creed 1. But the reason why I am writing about this part is, because this is the game from where it all began. Because of this game I…

Assassins Creed 2: A Worthy Sequel Game

When it comes to a Sequel game, expectations are improvement, new advance features with core fun factor. While some big budget game fails, Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed 2 has nailed in every Aspects of a great Sequel game. Story: Assassins Creed 2 (AC2) story starts with Desmond finding himself trapped in Abstergo after forcefully reliving Altair’s…